Thursday, September 29, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Hypothetical: a solo show by Sutthirat Supaparinya


Contact: Judith Escalona
Director/Chief Curator
1355 Park Avenue, Corner Store
New York, NY 10029


Sutthirat Supaparinya’s solo exhibition HYPOTHETICAL urges us to think for ourselves.
New York City - September 29, 2011. MediaNoche, New York’s exclusive new
media gallery, presents Sutthirat Supaparinya’s HYPOTHETICAL, October 6 –
December 10, 2011. Opening Reception: Thursday, October 6, 6pm - 8pm.
Thai artist Sutthirat Supaparinya critiques how we know and what we know,
challenging us to re-imagine the world and the cosmos. Three installations,
Constellations, Shooting Stars, and Dotscape, are powerful metaphors of the artist’s
search for truth and the individual’s push for freedom against a pre-ordered, predetermined,
man-made universe.

Visitors to the gallery enter a galaxy of luminous bodies through which they must
navigate, mapping their own constellations and course. The pinging sound of metal
at irregular intervals draws attention to a framed darkness where the eye is
incapable of discerning, amid the sporadic flashes of light, the source until the jarring
truth. A trip by rail through the countryside between Bangkok and Chiang Mai
becomes an improbable idyll, where the view is mediated by train wrap ads filtering
the landscape.

According to Supaparinya: “People try hard to know and understand information --
but do not try to challenge, to change or turn it around. All this official knowledge is
like god for someone. I like to criticize or comment on knowledge, media, the news –
what we think are facts.”


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