Tuesday, July 19, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Rediscover, July 28-31 at The Invisible Dog Art Center, Brooklyn

Thai Arts show case in NYC, 2011. Feel free to come either opening day or the other following 3 days.
 More info, please follow this link http://www.thaiartistsnyc.org/ 
Monday, July 11, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Cum-fligere by Documenta 13 director at Goethe Institute, Bangkok

Thursday, July 07, 2011

PostHeaderIcon Book Project on Asian Women Artists: need your participation!

Incheon Women Artists’ Biennale has sought to build networks of women artists, curators, museum personnel, academics and other intellectuals from all corners of the world. This year IWAB expands its boundaries to a book project, and requests that you send responses to the following question. All the replies will be published in a book entitled Experiences: Asian Women in Global Culture to be published in October, 2011. Please send 300-800 words in English to the project manager/editor at iwab2011@gmail.com. The deadline for the submission is September 15, 2011. All the participants will receive a copy of the book (and e-book) in return. For more information on this book project and IWAB exhibitions, please visit www.iwabiennale.org.


Cultural theorists have discussed the status of Asian women in a globalized world, as victims or as the under represented in the globalization process. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak emphasizes the importance of women‘s roles in an abusive global world while Arjun Appadurai focuses on Asian women being voluntarily and involuntarily traded within the globalization process. Most of these arguments evolve around the context of the victims or the unprivileged woman.
IWAB is soliciting your stories or experiences with or as Asian women living in Asia or anywhere in the
world. We believe that there are multiple aspects to the rapidly changing Asian women’s lives, from women being empowered, entitled to women being ignored. IWAB wishes to collect your narratives as a woman/artist/professional/student, and to share them with audiences throughout the world hoping to create a better understanding for the women of the world.
Monday, July 04, 2011

PostHeaderIcon EU Film Festival Chiang Mai, July,2011

Chiangmai Screening program   
22-31 July 2011

Vista Kadsuankaew

Date/Time    Title    Length    Origin

Friday, 22 July

14.00    Erratum    1h 35m    Poland

15.45    Above the Street Below the Water,1h 40m    Denmark

17.35    Run If You Can    1h 52m    Germany

19.40    The Last Pulcinella    1h.29m    Italy

Saturday, 23 July

11.00    Kooky, 1h 35m, Czech Republic

12.45    With Friend Like These, 1h 40m, Belgium

14.35    Assault on the Santa Maria, 1h 45m,Portugal

16.30    The Escape    1h 54m    Denmark

18.40    When We Leave    1h 59m    Germany

Sunday, 24 July

11.00    The Magic Tree    1h 30m    Poland

12.40    The 1000 Euros Generation, 1h 41m, Italy

14.35    Camino    2h 18m    Spain

17.05    The Paper Will Be Blue    1h 35m    Romania

18.40    The Wedding Photographer, 1h 48m, Sweden

Monday, 25 July

15.00    With Friends Like These    1h 40m    Belgium

16.50    The Hell of "63    1h 48m    Netherlands

18.50    Bank Ban    1h 56m    Hungary

Tuesday, 26 July

15.00    Weekend With My Mother    1h 27m    Romania

16.40    An Ordinary Execution    1h 45m    France

18.35    Camino    2h 18m    Spain

Wednesday, 27 July

15.00    Dust,1h 26m,Luxembourg

16.40    The 1000 Euros Generation,1h 41m,Italy

18.35    The Escape,1h 54m, Denmark

Thursday, 28 July

14.00    The Paper Will Be Blue    1h 35m    Romania

15.45    Erratum    1h 35m    Poland

17.30    The Last Pulcinella    1h 29m    Italy

19.10    Run If You Can    1h 40m    Germany

Friday, 29 July

14.00    Above the Street Below the Water,1h 40m    Denmark

15.50    When We Leave    1h 59 m    Germany

17.20    Celda 211    1h 53m    Spain

19.25    Weekend With My Mother    1h 27m    Romania

Saturday, 30 July

13.00    The Magic Tree    1h 30m    Poland

14.40    The Hell of '63    1h 48m    Netherlands

16.40    Exit Through the Giftshop 1h 26m U.K.

18.15    Forbidden Fruit    1h 40m    Finland

20.05    Dust    1h 26m    Luxembourg

Sunday,31 July

13.00    Kooky    1h 35m    Czech Republic

14.45    Bank Ban    1h 56m    Hungary

16.15    Celda 211    1h 53m    Spain

18.20    An Ordinary Execution    1h 45m    France

Screenings are subject to change without prior notice

som's blog

hope this info is useful!

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