Monday, October 08, 2007



The new ZKM platform "mikrogalleri" allows on line users to present images in distributed places for art and in real at remote locations, at the same time each user creates new art images on line to share.
Oct 21st 2007-Dec 31st, 2008
YOU_ser. Das Jahrhundert des Konsumenten
YOU_ser. The Century of the Consumer
ZKM | Media Museum
Opening: Oct 20th 2007
The exhibition YOU_ser. Das Jahrhundert des Konsumenten invites the visitor to become an integral part of the art works. For the works shown here constitute themselves only in the act of reception by the viewer and include in their conception his active participation in the process of creation. The ZKM | Media Museum, known world-wide for its unique interactive collection, will be completely re-conceived for this exhibition and supplemented by spectacular new works. It offers a look into a future that will be determined by emancipated consumers.

information source and read more here::

I just try to up lode my images to the platform and it was fun to do so.. imagine how nice if audiences or even myself view all the generated images at the site..
I find that the project is so cool and fun.. and yet controversial for consumer as artist..
here are some of my images which I have up loded to the project.

som's blog

hope this info is useful!

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